
Parenthood. When they’re little, you feel like you’re their biggest hero. You give advice, and they take it with their eyes wide opened.

Then your babies grow and become more independent. And you wonder if they find you interesting in those few minutes of conversation at the dinner table or as they head out the door. It happens.

Sometimes we need a reminder that we’re doing a good job. I think every parent needs a pat on the back at one moment or another.

It was Saturday morning and my son had an appointment with the photographer for his Senior yearbook pictures. He showered. When I saw him about to dry his hair, I tried to stop him because he told me his hair product was like clay and stiffened quickly. It didn’t make sense that he would apply something like that to his dry hair. He said the barber had dried his hair before applying his hair product, and he wanted to do the same. My husband looked at him and said, “Your Mom has experience with this for years. Maybe you should take her advice.” He insisted on doing it his way.

When he was done, he came out with his hair flattened. I didn’t laugh. I just smiled, and I looked at him and asked if he wanted me to help him. He accepted. Then I smiled and said, “Don’t you love it when your Mom is right?”

He smiled and went with it. I told him to wet his hair, and we started over. As I styled it, he took out his phone to record it and post to his social media. At that moment, I really didn’t care how I looked. I was touched that he wanted to record it and post a message on social media which read, “Mom is always there when I need her.”

And then it hit me. All those doubts that sometimes ring in my ears about being a great mom were drowned out by 15 minutes of being there for my son.

Today, don’t focus on all the mistakes. Don’t compare yourself to the other moms and dads. We can do that at times. Just live the moment. There will be plenty of “Rescue” moments when we can just open our arms and show the love that never changes. That’s when they’ll be ready to accept it. And we can stand tall and know we’ve done a heck of a job.